Android Malware Fakes Power-off to Spy on You

The security company AVG has discovered a particular devious little piece of malware in the Android ecosystem, one that seemingly can spy on you while your phone is turned off.
The malware digs into your phone and actually just fakes a power down. You’ll get the animation and the screen as well as LEDs will turn off – exactly the same as if you’d turn your phone off.

Now that you’re completely unaware that the phone is running, the malware can make phone calls, send messages, transfer your files as well as record you through the built-in cameras and microphone. That’s kinda creepy.

The good news is, this malware can only attack rooted phones, so the general public is safe. But even people with rooted phones can be safe from this attack, at least if they use AVG’s security solution. It can both detect and deal with this new threat dubbed the ‘Android/PowerOffHijack.A’ that can attack Android 5.0 and below.

The company spokesperson told that at least 10,000 devices were infected so far, but mostly in China where the malware was first introduced and offered through the local, official app stores.

Thanks to AVG for providing us with this information