Next-generation mobile GPUs for smartphones and tablets have been announced by ARM. The Mali-T760 and Mali-T720 have been classified for the performance and mainstream market segments, respectively. The two OpenGL ES 3.0 compatible GPUs are stated to be efficient and scalable by its designers.
“ARM Mali GPUs unit shipments have increased by more than 10x over the past two years and it is the unquestioned leader in Android devices today,” said Pete Hutton, executive vice president and general manager, Media Processing Division, ARM. “The Mali-T700 Series family builds on our industry leadership in balancing power, area and functionality while incorporating new energy-saving features at the high-end and matching the time-to-market dynamics of the low-end. This combination gives our SoC partners a competitive edge, without compromising on performance and energy-efficiency.”
The Mali-T760 is designed for high-performance, and sometimes even scalar SoCs that cover not just high-performance handhelds, but also high-density HPC environments that require a lot of parallel processing. An SoC with the Mali-T760 is scalable up to 16 cores, compared to its predecessor’s 8-core scalability, the Mali-T678. The chip also claims a 400 percent energy efficiency increase over the Mali-T604, which is the first performance GPU based on the “Midgard” micro-architecture.
The Mali-T720 is the company’s first mid-range GPU design to feature OpenGL ES 3.0 support, and is heavily optimized for Android, which received support for the API since Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. MediaTek, Rockchip, and Samsung each expressed interest in ARM’s new GPU IP.
Thank you NextPowerUp for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of NextPowerUp.
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