
Bulldozer CPU-Z Screenshot at 4635.6MHZ!!

The stories of AMD’s upcoming and highly anticipated ‘Bulldozer’ CPU line-up release have dried up since confirmation of their delay was apparent… until now!
For everybody waiting in anticipation to see if the Bulldozer CPU’s can match the mighty Sandy Bridge competitors, we have an interesting screenshot for you.

Things may be looking on the up for AMD if the frequency and performance shown by the FX-8130P CPU in this screenshot is true! Over 4.6GHz within the region of 1.5 to 1.6V seems very impressive, especially considering this CPU has 8 physical cores. Couple this with the supposedly $320 price tag and we could have a major contender on the cards.

For now we can only sit and hope while more information similar to this slowly gets leaked and wets our appetite!

Attached files

BD @ 4.6GHZ.png (63.3 KB) 

Luke Hill

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