
Westworld Style Artificial Muscles Being Developed by MIT

HBO's latest hit television hit Westworld is set on a future where a Western-themed amusement park filled with hyper-realistic android…

8 years ago

How Good is Beer Brewed By AI?

When it comes to a good beer, they are few and far between. Many people have different tastes and opinions…

8 years ago

Functional Human Hearts Generated From Skin Cells

Doctors are constantly being helped by their friends in the technology industry, from 3D printing earsĀ to making veins in a…

8 years ago

Facebook Is Mapping the World With AI

These days having a social media presence is up there alongside having a driving license or passport, for everything from…

8 years ago

New Prosthetic Restores Sense Of Feeling

Medical technology appears in the news every few weeks, for all kinds of reasons, from being able to control them…

9 years ago

Analysing Your Brain Could Be 30 Times Faster Than A Supercomputer

The human brain, fascinating, exciting and full of possibilities, the notion to create, form an opinionĀ and challenge the environment which…

9 years ago

Artificial Pancreases Could Reduce Risk For Diabetic Women During Birth

A women, in Britain, last week became the first in the world to complete a vaginal natural birth using an…

9 years ago

Artificial Leaf Could Be The Next Oxygen Source For Space Travel

The main problem faced when talking about sustainability in space travel missions is the lack of oxygen. Due to this,…

10 years ago