The Evolving Threat of Ransomware and How it Works

With Ransomware on the increase, we look to help explain what Ransomware is and what you can do to avoid…

7 years ago

Google Isn’t Happy With AVG’s Chrome Plugin

AVG have a give and take relationship when it comes to their attitudes and approach with security and privacy, from…

9 years ago

One Plus 2 Equals Malware?

Well, yes, sort of, before I am lambasted for inserting a clickbate headline, let me explain, OnePlus 2 Smartphone’s have…

9 years ago

Kaspersky Faked Malware to Harm Rivals

Moscow-based computer security company Kaspersky Labs has been faking malware for the past decade to harm its rivals, two former…

9 years ago

AVG Makes Glasses That Hide You From Facial Recognition Software

AVG, a company commonly known for protecting computing devices from viruses has embarked on an endeavour to protect your face…

9 years ago

Android Malware Fakes Power-off to Spy on You

The security company AVG has discovered a particular devious little piece of malware in the Android ecosystem, one that seemingly…

9 years ago

Companies Interested in Aquiring AVG Technology

According to 'informed sources', a number of private equity firms have been inquiring about an acquisition of AVG Technologies as…

10 years ago

Microsoft Is Leading PC Anti-Virus Vendor According To Report

New research figures by software and IT solutions company OPSWAT suggest that Microsoft dominates the desktop and laptop anti-virus markets with…

11 years ago

Bitdefender Is Best Windows 8 Internet Security, AVG is Best Free Security

According to the well respected, comprehensive and independent test of internet security packages, done by AV Test, Bitdefender has come…

11 years ago