
Engineer Created a Rotary Mobile Phone and It’s Awesome

It's amusing to me that my kids have never really had to use a rotary phone. Even in my youth,…

4 years ago

YouTube Inventor & Legend Colin Furze Adds Propeller to 360-Swing!

There are some people in this world who are just not content with "normal" things, and thankfully for all of…

8 years ago

Dad Constructs Enormous Death Star to Entertain His Children

Star Wars: The Force Awakens premieres on December 14th in Los Angeles and predicted to smash box office records. As…

9 years ago

Check out this Supercut of Every James Bond Gadget Ever

From a simple hidden knife, to a laser equipped watch, James Bond has had a lot of cool toys over…

9 years ago

Super Mario Overhaul Comes to Sonic Generations on PC

Sonic's reputation has been abysmal in the last decade and categorically failed to live up to the iconic Megadrive/Genesis titles. SEGA…

9 years ago

Engineer Builds Working Thor’s Hammer

You can't beat a good practical joke, and this one is certainly one of my favourites. An engineer has built…

9 years ago

iMac with Retina 5K Display Vs 90mm Anti-Tank Cannon

As much as Apple have proven to be a successful company, creating some of the most popular devices on the…

9 years ago

GTA V AI Goes Mental – Causes Truly Epic Car Crash

Video game AI has made some incredible advancements in recent years; gaming just wouldn't be the same without it! However,…

9 years ago

Website Calculates Time “Wasted” Watching Your Favourite Shows

Ever sat there on a rainy weekend and binge watched your way through an entire boxset of your favourite TV…

9 years ago

Akira Trailer Remade With Simpsons Characters

I've seen my fair share of random internet videos, but every now and then, something rather special crops up and…

9 years ago

AK-74 Vs iPhones – Who Will Win?

YouTube channel EverythingApplePro has taken a bunch of iPhones to the firing range to answer that age old question, just…

9 years ago

1000mph Bloodhound SSC Car Parachute Tested

Getting a 1000mph car to go 1000mph isn't particularly hard, you just need an absolutely MASSIVE engine. However, keeping it…

9 years ago

Machine That ‘Uncooks Eggs’ Used to Improve Cancer Treatment

A machine invented by an Australian scientist that can "unboil an egg" by unfolding the proteins in egg whites back to their…

9 years ago

Yahoo Labs Finds Filtered Photos Are More Popular

A new paper from Yahoo Labs "Why We Filter Our Photos and How It Impacts Engagement" delves into its findings after…

9 years ago

From Words to Beats with Typedrummer

Syllables have always been the building blocks of our words, sentences, languages. So what do you get when you change…

9 years ago