Data Cap

UK Internet Providers Remove Data Caps on Broadband

With the Coronavirus forcing many of us to remain at home, the chances are that you're probably using the internet…

4 years ago

Data is Massively More Expensive in US and UK Than India

UK & US Top Data Cap Charges Be it on your phone or home broadband package, if you have a…

5 years ago

UK Phone Provider Three Quietly Removes Tethering Caps

  UK Phone Provider Three Quietly Removes Tethering Caps While it might be common to use your phone to surf…

6 years ago

Comcast CEO Calls For an End to Unlimited Data

Of all the major internet service providers, the most universally derided is Comcast and its outdated data caps, a policy…

9 years ago

Comcast Internal Memos Admit Data Caps Don’t Improve Network Performance

In a not so surprising twist, it looks like the reason consumers have been sold on data caps in the…

9 years ago

Comcast VP Has No Idea Why it Caps Data at 300GB

Comcast, notorious for terrible customer service and arbitrary restrictions, does offer the fastest internet speeds of all the nationwide ISP…

9 years ago

Comcast VP Claims Data Caps are Business Policy & Not Technical Necessity

Many of you with home internet plans may have to deal with monthly data caps. For some this cap can…

9 years ago