
Facebook Introducing Snooze Feature to Temporarily Ignore Feeds or Friends

Facebook to start offering a temporarily ignore feature We all have those friends on Facebook. The ones who can not…

7 years ago

Researchers Building AI Based on Joey from Friends

A team of researchers from Leeds University are building an artificial intelligence based on the character of Joey Tribbiani –…

8 years ago

News Feed Cluttered with the Wrong Content? Here’s How I Fixed Mine

Facebook News Feed There's no doubt about it, the Facebook news feed has become a lumbering and bloated mess, and…

8 years ago

Friend Your Apartment Building or Risk Losing Your Place

Long are the days when the local newspaper had everything you needed to know about your local area, instead you…

9 years ago

Canada And The UK Force Moments To Rethink Auto-Tagging Of Photos

Who doesn't love a good photo? Capturing those precious moments for years to come and sometimes you just want to…

9 years ago

Uber Family Lets You Pay for Friends and Families Uber Rides

Remember the days before people had contract phones, when you ran out of credit and had no way to contact…

9 years ago

New Study Reveals Facebook Friends Are Unreliable

The advent of social media platforms like Facebook has made human beings adopt a more cavalier attitude towards friendships. When communicating…

9 years ago

Friends Make Surprising Move With One Off Special

Friends are coming back to our screens. Sort of... The cast is getting back together on their old TV network, NBC,…

9 years ago

Meet the Guy With the Largest Number of Facebook Friends

How many friends do you have on Facebook's popular social media platform? Studies say that the average person between 18…

10 years ago

Tinder Adds Instagram Support so You Can Share Your Most Private Videos with Strangers

Tinder made quite a bit of progress lately, especially on its subscription side. However, the Facebook integration doesn't seem to…

10 years ago

Meet Snapcash – Send Money Through Snapchat

Snapchat has just revealed their first product partnership with a third party company - Square Cash, claiming they have been…

10 years ago

Friends and Seinfeld Recreated in The Sims 4

People all around the world have loved recreating their homes or rather for the most part creating their dream homes…

10 years ago

Jimmy Kimmel Got Bored Waiting for a Friends Reunion, Awesome Ensues

As a big fan of Friends I've always wanted to see just one more episode of the show (and nope,…

10 years ago

ECHO Urgent Messenger Aims to Notify Your Friends When You Are In Distress

A new personal SOS device is apparently in the works over at Indiegogo website, having it be able to let…

11 years ago

Study Reveals Gamers To Be More Educated, Social and Successful Than Non-Gamers

Gamers have always been thought to be comprised mostly by loners and rejects, the so-called nerds who live in their…

11 years ago