
Three Spammers Accused of Largest Data Breach in History

The US Department of Justice has charged three men with what could be the biggest data breach in the history…

9 years ago

Sharing Dropbox Files in Gmail Now Easier Thanks to Chrome Extension

Big user of Dropbox?  Well thanks to a new Chrome extension, it is now easier to share Dropbox files in…

9 years ago

Google Rolls Out Money Attachments for Gmail in the UK

Google’s ‘Attach money’ feature for Gmail, launched in the US back in 2013, is now being rolled out to UK…

9 years ago

Gmail Begins Appearing Back in China

We only reported yesterday that Gmail had disappeared in China, but it looks like Chinese Gmail users are getting access…

10 years ago

Gmail Has Been Blocked in China

Google's popular email service, Gmail, has finally been blocked in China. says that China's 'Great Firewall' had finally kept citizens from…

10 years ago

Google Inbox to Support Custom e-Mail Addresses

The main complaint about Google Inbox - Google’s new Gmail app that displays related incoming message as ‘bundles’ – is…

10 years ago

E-Mail Startup Acompli Acquired by Microsoft

Startup e-mail app Acompli has been snapped up Microsoft. The moves surprised no one, since news of the deal accidentally…

10 years ago

Get An Invite into Google’s Inbox App – Be Quick

So you've probably heard about Google's new Inbox application, it's a new cross-platform app that works for Gmail. Inbox automatically…

10 years ago

5 Million Gmail Passwords and Usernames Leaked

First Apple had their iCloud fiasco, and now the business giant Google has seen 5 million of its users have their…

10 years ago

Gmail Scan Leading to Man’s Arrest Was Not a Privacy Violation

The news from earlier this week, where the scanning of a man's Gmail account had led to his arrest for child abuse…

10 years ago

Leaked Image Shows Massive Overhaul of Gmail

An image has leaked online showing that Google is planning a massive overhaul of the Gmail service. Google are no…

10 years ago

Gmail Add More Features To Fight Junkmail

Fed up of getting a constant stream of marketing mails, are you unable to find the unsubscribe link in the…

10 years ago

Google’s Gmail Performs Magic Tricks, Deletes Random User Emails

We had Google Services down for more than 30 minutes, randomly selected email addresses pasted in the "To" field when…

10 years ago

Gmail Spams Other People’s E-Mail Accounts Now?

After the incident about the Google services going down today, TechChrunch and Gizmodo also found some interesting things about Google's…

11 years ago

Google Services Go Down For 50 Minutes? What Next, The Internet?

Today, Google's Gmail and Google+ services has been down for roughly 50 minutes. Reports from Europe, Canada, India, United States…

11 years ago