
Reddit Harassment Crackdown after CEO Falls Victim to Attacks

A new harassment crackdown is being launched reddit, aimed at stymying the rising toxicity – or “draining the swamp,” if…

8 years ago

Activision is Harassing a Modder After He Reveals Odds of Drops

Call Of Duty is one of the biggest franchises in the gaming world, with releases year after year from no…

8 years ago

German Court Rules Facebook’s ‘Friends Finder’ Unlawful

The highest court in Germany has ruled that Facebook’s ‘Friends Finder’ function is unlawful on the grounds that it scrapes…

9 years ago

SXSW Gaming Events Cancelled After ‘Threats Of Violence’

Well this is a mess but here goes, two gaming events have been cancelled at the South-by-Southwest (SXSW) festival that…

9 years ago

Reddit Launches New Harassment Rules

Reddit is banning a handful of its worst communities. "Our goal is to enable as many people as possible to…

9 years ago

Permanently League of Legends Ban for Profanity in Just 15 Minutes

This was bound to happen sooner or later since most players I've seen on either League of Legends or Dota…

9 years ago

Lizard Squad Teen Guilty Of 23 Charges Of Online Harassment and Swatting

Lizard Squad was once an unknown name among a lot of people, however, this changed when both the Playstation Online…

9 years ago

Gaming Reviewer Contacts Mothers of Trolls

Alanah Pearce, an Australian gaming reviewer on the radio and on YouTube, has come up with a novel method of…

10 years ago