
UK Introduces Law Making Gigabit Internet Access Mandatory for New Houses!

The UK government currently has rather lofty goals in terms of high-speed internet access. Put simply, by 2025 (at least…

2 years ago

Latin America to see Worlds First 3D-Printed Village

3D-Printed Village It's pretty clear that throughout most of the world, we have something of a housing crisis at the…

5 years ago

Smart Meters Will Only Cut Bills By Around £11

Smart Meters Will Only Cut Bills By Around £11 There has definitely been a drive across all factors to try…

6 years ago

3D Printed Houses Start Construction In Texas

3d Printed Houses Arrive 3D printers have come a long way in the last 5 years. Some would argue that…

6 years ago

Would You Live in a Habitat From NASA?

When it comes to space travel, we are constantly looking at new engines and ways to reach the stars with…

8 years ago

Mandatory EV Charging Station for Every New House in Quebec

Cars are expected to change in a big way when it comes to technology in the next few years. Firstly…

8 years ago

Instant Shelters For When Times Are Bad

We've all seen the news, sometimes they just seem to be filled with doom and gloom telling us how climate…

8 years ago

Sky Mile Tower Aims To Reinvent The Skyscraper

The evolution of the humble skyscraper has been nothing short of amazing over the last half a century, from the…

8 years ago

Architects Crowdfunding for £1.85 Billion to Build Minas Tirith

The UK is in the grip of a housing crisis and few new homes are being built. Existing council houses…

9 years ago

Wales Has First ‘Energy Positive’ House in Britain

Wales has become home to Britain’s first ‘energy positive’ house, so-called because it can generate a surplus of electricity which…

9 years ago