mass surveillance

Court Rules UK Snooper’s Charter Illegal

The highest court in Europe has ruled that the UK’s draconian new mass surveillance bill, passed into law last month,…

8 years ago

Websites Could Boycott UK Over Surveillance Law

A new campaign, protesting the UK’s new Investigatory Powers Act, which gives the government access to 12 months’ worth of…

8 years ago

UK Admits to Illegal Data Surveillance – Will Continue Doing it

Intelligence agencies in the UK have been found to engaging in illegal surveillance through mass data collection since 1998, as…

8 years ago

Snoopers Charter Could Have Harmful Effect on Smaller Businesses

Previously we've reported on the Snooper Charter (the official name of which is the Investigatory Power Bill). The focus for the…

9 years ago

Ex-NSA Director Warns UK Snooper’s Charter Will Kill People

The former Technical Director of the NSA has warned that should the UK Investigatory Powers Bill – nicknamed the Snooper’s…

9 years ago

Congressman on One-Man Mission to Repeal CISA

The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, the controversial bill that allows intelligence agencies the power to obtain user data from companies…

9 years ago

NSA and GCHQ Worked Together to Hack Juniper Firewalls

Spies from the UK intelligence services worked with the US National Security Agency to hack firewalls developed by top internet security…

9 years ago

HTTP/2 Opens New Connections With the Word ‘PRISM’

Since whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the extent of the US National Security Agency’s mass surveillance program, the word Prism has…

9 years ago

Paris Attackers Allegedly Used PS4s and PSN to Communicate

In a development that is likely to place more pressure on the technology sector, reports are coming out that the perpetrators…

9 years ago

Edward Snowden Explains Why he Supports Ad-Blockers

Edward Snowden, the whistleblower-turned-press freedom advocate exiled in Russia after leaking NSA documents that demonstrated the terrifying scope of its…

9 years ago

Researcher Makes Live Browser History Public to Show Impact of UK’s Surveillance Bill

Since details of the UK’s proposed Investigatory Powers Bill – a law nicknamed the Snooper’s Charter and that aims to…

9 years ago

We Have Edward Snowden to Thank for The X-Files Revival

We’re but four months away from the much-hyped The X-Files revival, which reunites David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as the…

9 years ago

Edward Snowden Twitter Notifications Resulted in 47GB of E-mails

NSA whistleblower and US exile Edward Snowden recently joined Twitter – his first act as a new member was to…

9 years ago

GCHQ’s Karma Police Has Been Watching Everyone Online

The British intelligence services have been engaging in a mass surveillance program, the likes of which have never before been…

9 years ago

Whistleblower Who Posted Sensitive Materials to 4Chan Not Taken Seriously

A former employee of Australia’s Department of Defense, who held fellow countryman Julian Assange up as an idol, posted sensitive…

9 years ago