metal gear

What Would Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Look Like in 3D?

I'm a huge fan of the Metal Gear series, and while I was old enough to remember the launch of…

10 months ago

New Rumours Surface of Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Following Cryptic Teaser

A little over a year ago, rumours began to surface suggesting that not only had Konami approved a Metal Gear…

2 years ago

Konami Reportedly Approves Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake!

Although I daresay some opinions do differ, many consider Metal Gear Solid 3 to be one of the greatest releases…

3 years ago

Solid Snake Hints Metal Gear Solid PS5 Remake is Coming!

Even though it is now well over 20-years-old, Metal Gear Solid (originally released on the PS1) remains one of many…

4 years ago

Metal Gear Solid Cast is Reunited for a Yet Unknown Project

Despite the fact that the original Metal Gear Solid is over 20-years-old now, that hasn't done anything to change the…

4 years ago

Metal Gear Solid PS5 Remaster/Remake is in the Works?

It seems somewhat remarkable that despite its huge popularity with fans, there has not yet been a remake (or remaster)…

4 years ago

Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2 Are OUT NOW on PC!

Yesterday, we reported on rumors (just rumors) that Konami might have been preparing to release a port of Metal Gear…

4 years ago

Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2 May be Heading to PC!

Despite its popularity on consoles (and particularly the earlier gen PlayStation's) 'Metal Gear' is a franchise that largely hasn't received…

4 years ago

David Hayter and Debi Mae West to Host Future Games Show Live Stream

I actually missed out on the last Future Games Show back in June, but I'll be tuning...dammit, I'll miss this…

4 years ago

UnMetal – A Fan-Made Metal Gear Solid Gaming Parody

Despite its age (and certainly the apparent lack of anything new coming from the franchise), the original Metal Gear and…

5 years ago

Russian Official Calls Metal Gear a ‘USA Intelligence Project’

Metal Gear?! It's hard to argue that in terms of gaming fun, the Metal Gear franchise is up there with…

6 years ago

Alpha Release Mod Turns Doom Into Metal Gear

Metal Gear: Doom Doom is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic gaming releases ever made. Seeing a port…

6 years ago

Solid And Liquid Snake Read ‘The Night Before Metal Gear’

The Night Before Metal Gear With Christmas coming, it's not unusual to see a few parody videos pop up on…

6 years ago

David Hayter Voices Solid Snake To Mark Games 31st Birthday

David Hayter Voices Solid Snake Again It's incredible to think that the Metal Gear franchise is now officially 31 years…

6 years ago

Metal Gear Solid Movie Has A Confirmed Script!

Metal Gear Solid Movie Has A Confirmed Script! Over the years we have seen a lot of movies based on…

7 years ago