
Saudi Arabia is the First Country to Grant Citizenship to a Robot

Saudi Arabia just became the world's first country to grant official citizenship to a robot named Sophia. This is the…

7 years ago

EFF Calls Google’s Stance on Neo-Nazis ‘Dangerous’

There is much discussion about the freedom of speech in the US after the far right demonstrations at Charlottsville, Virginia.…

7 years ago

Wikipedia Access Has Been Blocked in Turkey

Access to online encyclopaedia Wikipedia has been blocked in Turkey early Saturday morning. Human rights groups have been concerned about…

7 years ago

Bill Introduced in Five States to Legalize “Right to Repair” Electronics

US lawmakers in New York, Massachusetts, Kansas, Nebraska, and Minnesota have introduced a bill that fights for the right to…

8 years ago

Top London University Admits to Monitoring Student E-mails

King's College London has posted a notice on their e-mail login page warning members that emails can be "monitored and…

8 years ago

French Labour Law Gives Workers Right to Not Check E-Mails Out-of-Hours

Beginning January 1st, 2017, a French labour law will require companies to guarantee their employees the "right to disconnect" or…

8 years ago

Canada Declares Broadband Internet Access as Basic Service

The United Nations has passed a resolution earlier this year that declares Internet access to be a basic human right…

8 years ago

Who Created Ark: Survival Evolved? Find Out In Court!

Ark: Survival Evolved has gathered quite a bit of a following, with players taking to the island in hopes of…

8 years ago

The Big Bang Theory Producers Are Being Sued

We sadly live in a world where everyone can sue everyone for almost anything. This happens a lot and sometimes…

9 years ago

Orwell Estate Sends Copyright Takedown Over Use of “1984”

George Orwell, a great writer of the classic book Nineteen Eighty Four. A book that describes the future with surveillance…

9 years ago

Online Digital JPEG images May Soon Be Subject To DRM

Oh what fresh hell is this? If you thought the pitfalls of DRMĀ (Digital Rights Management) had finally dawned on the…

9 years ago

30 Days Returns Now Law In The UK

We've all had it before, you've gone out and brought something new, something nice and shiny and you get it…

9 years ago

eBay Seller Faces $19K Legal Bill After Suing Buyer Who Left Negative Feedback

Ohio-based company, Med Express, is facing a hefty legal bill amounting to $19,250, after attempting to sue an eBay customer…

9 years ago

Hulu Buys Streaming Rights to the Entire Seinfeld Series for up to $180 Million

Hulu just got done striking a deal with Sony Pictures Television for the streaming rights of the beloved show Seinfeld.…

9 years ago

EU Commisioner Wants to Abolish Geoblocking

Geoblocking of content is still one of the biggest issues when it comes to obtaining your media legally. You want…

9 years ago