
Hacking Group Anonymous Declares ‘Cyber Warfare’ on Russia

We at eTeknix are, first and foremost, a technology publication. We tend to avoid, whenever possible, giving our opinions on…

3 years ago

Russia Starts Making its Own AMD B450 Motherboards

It's hard to deny that over the last 15 years, there has been a significant worsening of diplomatic relations between…

4 years ago

Russian Hackers Reportedly Selling Facebook Message Details

Russian Hackers Reportedly Selling Facebook Message Details In the last year, Facebook has been hit with more than a few…

6 years ago

AK-47 Maker Kalashnikov Now Makes Retro-Styled Electric Cars

Expanding the Kalshnikov Brand Russian manufacturer Kalashnikov unveiled their new CV-1 prototype recently. Unlike their most popular product, the legendary…

6 years ago

Metro Exodus Gets New Trailer—Release Date Autumn 2018

The sequel to Metro Last Light, Metro Exodus was initially unveiled at E3 during the Microsoft press briefing over six…

7 years ago

The R-Handle Looks Weird But Could Be Thé Controller

It can be very relaxing to play games with a controller, but it is also very limiting compared to keyboard…

8 years ago

Russian ISP’s Will Give Everything to the Government

When it comes to privacy and security, governments around the world are having to deal with the ever-increasing threat of…

9 years ago

Latest Ransomware Now Hidden Within Javascript

When it comes to viruses Ransomware is particularly nasty. With thousands of users being affected by the latest in cyber crime,…

9 years ago

Reflective Russian Satellite to be Brightest ‘Star’ in the Sky

When you look up at the night sky, the brightest thing you will see is likely to be the Moon.…

9 years ago

Individual Uses Lighter While Refuelling Car And Sets Fire To It.

Indeed, thought this was self-explanatory but there you go, The Russian Independent Television is reporting as of late today (January…

9 years ago

Russian Gamer to Sue Bethesda For Fallout 4 Addiction

Video games like any entertainment medium can be addictive especially if the individual in question has an obsessive personality. Usually,…

9 years ago

BBC to Offer Machine Translated TV News in Japanese and Russian

The BBC have announced a pilot run of its "Virtual Voiceover" technology, which will be used to automatically translate TV…

9 years ago

How a Hacker Made $45,000 Selling 0Day Exploits to Hacking Team

We previously reported that Italian spyware company, Hacking Team, has been hacked and had 400 GB of data publicly released…

10 years ago

Wargaming Announces the Open Beta for World of Warships With New Trailer

Wargaming has just announced that it pushed its upcoming title, World of Warships, to open beta. This means that everybody can…

10 years ago

PlayStation 4 Gets New Hack That Allows Users to Install Pirated Games

As security measures and tech advances, so do methods to take them down or work around them. This is the…

10 years ago