
World of Tanks Superfan Builds a Tank for His Son!

Have you ever played World of Tanks? I have to concede that I personally haven't (beyond using it as a…

2 years ago

The C4 Jeep (or “Jeep stuff”) is Back in Battlefield 1

Having a C4 jeep in Battlefield 1 can be done, but it's not quite as easy as it was in…

8 years ago

Battlefield 1 Trailer Shows Off Vehicular Combat

At the turn of the 20th Century, the world was greeted by a new form of warfare, vehicular warfare. While…

8 years ago

Why Not Grow A Drone?

When it comes to new technology the public wants to get its hand on the technology while the military often…

9 years ago

Go Off Road With Tank Treads Mounted On Roller Blades

Remember when you were young and you just had to have rollerblades, the speedy feeling as you put one foot…

9 years ago

New Russian Armoured Vehicle Operated Via PlayStation Controller

A new Russian armoured vehicle has been developed that uses an interface based on the famous PlayStation controller. Albert Bakov,…

10 years ago

DARPA’s Idea to Replace Batteries with Propane Seems Mad and Genius at the Same Time

Soldiers are becoming more and more reliant on technology and the old-fashioned lithium-ion batteries won't really do the trick. The…

10 years ago

US Government Hire Call of Duty Creator As a War Advisor

America has been looking for the 'military advantage' over the last decade or so, ever since the terror threat was…

10 years ago

DARPA Reveal New Ground X-Vehicle Technology for Tanks

DARPA have been working hard to design new tanks that use significantly less armour in a bid to make them…

10 years ago

Norweigan Army Testing Oculus Rift VR Tech Inside Tanks

A new prototype navigation system is being trialed by the Norwegian army, allowing their soldiers a new way to drive…

11 years ago