
Zero Emission Hydrogen Powered Train Completes Test Run

Trains are already a good way of cutting down on road traffic, able to move many people at once and…

8 years ago

Hyperloop One Could Go Around The World

If you've been looking at the future of transport, you'd probably be looking at things like electric cars. If you…

9 years ago

Let’s Take A Look Inside The Hyperloop

When it comes to travel, technology is looking to speed up and bring whole new modes of transport to your…

9 years ago

Why Not Drive Under A Bus? The Land Airbus Lets You Do Just That

When it comes to public transport, people either love it or hate it. I personally am in between, neither hating…

9 years ago

Hyperloop Set To Fly With Their New Passive Maglev System

When it comes to transport, you are spoilt for choice these days. From being able to hop on a bus…

9 years ago

Elon Musks Hyperloop Construction Delayed

Everyone travels these days, be it for work or to see family and friends, we live in a world where…

9 years ago

New York Going Green With Electric Streetcars

Electric cars are all the range, with Tesla dominating the market and Apple soon to enter the market. While they…

9 years ago

Selfie Death Statistics Revealed

Most of us laugh at the selfie addicts, but there is no doubt that there are enough of them out…

9 years ago

Elon Musk’s Supersonic Hyperloop Opening Time Revealed

The future of tomorrow, today. Well not entirely, but it is getting closer and we know have an official time…

9 years ago

Hyperloop Construction Begins

The hyperloop has been one of Elon Musk's many ideas that has gathered a lot of public attention. From the…

9 years ago

All aboard The Circle Lines Giant Three-Speed Travelator

I’m not sure this concept is particularly sane, a group of architects revolutionary idea centres on replacing run of the…

9 years ago

Podulator – A Sign of Future Transport?

James May is known for a lot of things, amongst which is the show Top Gear of which he only…

9 years ago

Japan Is Building An Anime Bullet Train

The UK is world-renowned for their public transport arriving 20 minutes late and charging consumers a small fortune to travel…

10 years ago

Bitcoin ATM’s Pop Up Around Melbourne, Australia

A few months ago, there was one currency on everyone's lips - Bitcoin. People were scrambling to make their own…

10 years ago

Just a Pizza Delivery… On a Train?

Apparently you can get your pizza delivered everywhere nowadays. From ordering it at home, at work, even in a park…

11 years ago