SeaSonic Reveals Increased Prices for Products Due to Tariffs

Price Increases for US Customers SeaSonic CEO Vincent Chang has sent out a press release early this morning regarding the…

6 years ago

Wikileaks Announces Julian Assange Is Replaced As Editor

Wikileaks Announces Julian Assange Is Replaced As Editor Unless you have been living under a rock, or possibly in a…

6 years ago

Amazing Graphic Shows Potential Of Hurricane Florence

Amazing Graphics Shows Potential Of Hurricane Florence You may have seen in the news that a major hurricane is on…

6 years ago

Vizio Smart TVs May Prompt Owners To Sue Manufacturer

Vizio Smart TVs May Prompt Owners To Sue Manufacturer Vizio is not one of the better-known TV brands in the…

6 years ago

Twitter (Nearly) Admits That Shadow Banning Exists

Twitter Nearly Admits That Shadow Banning Exists A little over a month ago, several US Politicians, including the President, accused…

6 years ago

Donald Trump Issues Warning To Google Over Search Results

Donald Trump Issues Warning To Google Over Search Results Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is certainly a figure…

6 years ago

FBI Charges Gamer With Stealing Fifa Currency From EA

FBI Charges Gamer With Stealing Fifa Currency From EA It can be a quite difficult affair to get a decent…

6 years ago

Ajit Pai Admits FCC Lied About 2017 DDoS Attack

Ajit Pai Admits FCC Lied About 2017 DDoS Attack On May the 8th 2017 in response to the initial steps…

6 years ago

Facebook Flags Declaration Of Independence As Hate Speech

Facebook Algorithm Finds the American Declaration Of Independence As Hate Speech With Independence day landing in America a couple days…

6 years ago

Kim Dotcom Wins Battle In US Extradition Fight

Kim Dotcom Kim Dotcom is one of those figures in the tech industry who is never far from the headlines.…

6 years ago

Uber Self Driving Car Involved In Fatal Accident

Uber Self-Driving Car In Fatal Accident The question of if electric cars are going to play a major part of…

6 years ago

Video Results – Giant Robot Battle Pits the USA vs Japan

Giant Robots? - I want one! America fighting Japan in a giant robot battle sounds more like a synopsis for…

7 years ago

USA vs. Japan Giant Robot Battle Streaming on October 17

We wrote about a USA vs. Japan giant robot battle six months ago that was supposed to take place in…

7 years ago

Facebook May Have to Answer to US Senate for Election Meddling

Will Facebook have the right answers? Following allegations of Russian influence in the 2016 Presidential Election, the US Senate has…

7 years ago

Trump Takes Hands Off Approach to Self-Driving Car Regulation

It is well-known that as a businessman, President Trump is not a big fan of regulations. Which is why it…

7 years ago