
Coalition of Tech Leaders Pledge To Not Develop AI Weapons

Tech Leaders and AI Experts United Many tech industry leaders and artificial intelligence experts may disagree with the role and…

7 years ago

The C4 Jeep (or “Jeep stuff”) is Back in Battlefield 1

Having a C4 jeep in Battlefield 1 can be done, but it's not quite as easy as it was in…

8 years ago

Lockheed Martin Develops Record Setting 60-kW Laser Weapon for US Army

A little over a year after Lockheed Martin unveiled their ATHENA 30-kW mobile laser weapon, the defense company has announced…

8 years ago

New Microwave-based Weapon in China can Disable Vehicles and Missiles

A new microwave-based weapon that has been in development for the past six years by a team of scientists from…

8 years ago

CoD Infinite Warfare Black Sky Gameplay Video Released

Love it or hate it, no seriously, I'm asking!? Call of Duty is still going strong, and with a new…

9 years ago

Sieges Will Be Bigger and More Brutal in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

The Mount & Blade series is rather unique, providing an interesting mix of role-playing and strategy, paired with action gameplay…

9 years ago

The Latest Battlefield Game is a Historical Treat

During the past few days, there has been a great deal of speculation regarding the upcoming Battlefield game which was…

9 years ago

ISIS Getting Hit by Cyberbombs From The US

When it comes to cyber attacks, they've been coming up more and more affecting people, companies and countries altogether. The…

9 years ago

Australia is Spending Millions on Cyber-Security

In this day and age, cyber-security is a huge issue for countries and companies alike, and everyone wants to upgrade…

9 years ago

Cyber Warfare Could Become A Specialist Combat Unit In The US

The saying goes that "to be prepared is half the victory", this is never more the case in the modern…

9 years ago

Harvard Human Rights Clinic Tells UN: “Ban Killer Robots”

A new 38-page report, written by a partnership of Human Rights Watch and Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic,…

10 years ago

Players Want to Make ArmA III Even More Realistic with Latest ACE3 Mod

If you are looking for the ultimate military warfare simulation game, then ArmA III is for you. Yet with all…

10 years ago

China Admits Having an ‘Army of Hackers’ to Help with Cyberwars

China has finally admitted that it has cyber warfare units after its government previously denied having any organised cyber warfare…

10 years ago

Thanks to Recent Hacks, US Lauching New Cyber Warfare Agency

Meet the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center, or CTIIC for short, the US' newest department on the cyber warfare front.…

10 years ago

Edward Snowden Reveals NSAs MonsterMind Program

Edward Snowden is back once again with another chilling tale from the NSA, this time blowing the covers from their…

11 years ago