Cooler Master & PC Specialist @ Insomnia i50
Here we are at the last day of Insomnia i50 and what better way to end the show than with a look at the stunning booth from Cooler Master and system integrator PC Specialist. Both companies are side by side and have a pretty epic setup on offer, with many high end systems, games to play, prizes to be won and more.
The cooler master booth is heavily populated by Cooler Masters CM Storm gaming brand, while the PC Specialist booth is kitted out with CM hardware.
There are a number of high performance gaming systems on display, and all visitors are welcome to pull up a chair, play some games and really put these rigs to the test.
Not only do you get to play great new games like Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag on high end gaming rigs, you also get to test out products like the CM Storm Recon and QuickFire mechanical keyboard, all of which are proving popular here at the show.
It’s a great place to chill out for a while, clock up a few laps on racing games, or just take a nosy around the systems that PC Specialist sell on their site. Plus there are loads of prizes and free gifts to be had.
A full range of headsets, mice and keyboards are here for you to pick up, inspect and test. It is a great opportunity as this is often something you simply cannot do in retail outlets or when shopping online.
The Ceres 500 is CM Storms first attempt at a console headset, we loved it when we reviewed it and after a few goes of Battlefield, we can confirm that we still love it!
The Cosmos SE is here too, still the best option for those that can’t afford the money or the space for the epic Cosmos II chassis.
Light em up! Mechanical keyboards take the stage and CM Storm have kitted them out with a range of different switches for you to try out.
CM also have their own game to play, the Keyboard Olympics! Perfect for testing the skills of the gaming elite here at the show.
Strike the keys in the order displayed and set the best time to win a range of goodies.
Set an average time and win a small prize, win the top spot and you can win some seriously cool hardware!
That is all from the CM & PC Specialist booth right now, but keep an eye out for more coverage over the weekend. If you’re at the show, we recommend you stop by the CM and PC Specialist booth, even if it is just to swipe some free stuff and play on their gaming rigs.