Crytek UK Employees on Strike, Refusing to go to Work

/ 11 years ago


It has been said that Crytek UK’s employees were paid £700 for a month’s work, but despite that, the company still was able to release Warface, the free-to-play FPS Crytek promised to release some time ago. The latest rumors coming from the UK headquarter points to the staff refusing to go to work entirely.

Sources over at Kotaku indicate that work at Crytek UK, which was currently working on the new Homefront: The Revolution title, has been halted due to the unfair pay. Employees apparently claim that they are still owed back pay on previous work and to show they concerns regarding the current situation, they are said to have handed letters of grievance before going home.

It is said that most problems at Crytek are the result of the shortcomings brought by Ryse: Son of Rome’s Xbox One launch. The title has been reported to do well, but users apparently were unsatisfied and complained that the gameplay was too stuffed with quick-time events. Despite its graphics and gameplay, it is said to have failed in capturing users’ attention, resulting in Crytek going through the current financial problems.

Other rumors out of the headquarters speak of Deep Silver, Homefront’s publisher and Dead Rising franchise owner, attempting to buy out at leas the British developers who have left and/or are currently unsatisfied with the current measures Crytek is using to deal with the crisis. However, nothing is clear at the moment. Crytek is the only one who can share more solid information about what is going on, that is if and when they will release an official statement.

Thank you KitGuru for providing us with this information

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