Doom Blasts Its Way onto Apple Watch!
Id Sofware’s Doom catapulted the first-person-shooter genre into notoriety and is one of the cornerstones of the video game industry. While technically brilliant back in the day, Doom is able to run on virtually any modern device from low-powered PCs to Android smartphones. This vast catalogue now includes the Apple Watch and Apple TV. This remarkable feat was achieved by Facebook employees during a 10-hour hackathon. Apple’s latest watchOS 2 beta contains native apps support. Sadly, the version of Doom runs pretty poorly with stuttering and very low frames-per-second. Although, it is a neat project and showcases the touch control functionality.
As you might expect, Doom fares much better on the Apple TV and runs perfectly fine. Annoyingly, the video’s screen contains a large mark which is very distracting and becomes rather irksome. Nevertheless, the video illustrates how gaming works on the Apple TV with the traditional remote control. While it looks pretty neat, it doesn’t really rival the official BFG version or PC edition. Then again, it’s only designed to be a fun project to improve camaraderie in Facebook’s headquarters.
So there we have it, Doom is available on virtually every device possible, barring a calculator of course…
What is your first memory of the Doom franchise?