‘Dumbphone’ Sales Soar as People Grow Tired of Overcomplicated Smartphones
Mike Sanders / 3 years ago

It often surprises many people who know me well to learn that while I absolutely love technology (it would be a pretty stupid job for me here at eTeknix if I didn’t!), I absolutely loathe smartphones. – It’s not that I necessarily have a problem with them per se. I entirely understand why some people do really like them! – As technologies advance, however, I can’t help but feel that the current smartphone design has become too overcomplicated making even the most generic of tasks, such as making a call or sending a text, more complicated than it really needs to be. And no, I’m certainly not calling for a revival of the Blackberry-style integrated keyboard.
Put simply, when it comes to picking a phone, the general format for me is simplicity, durability, and then extra functionality coming a relatively distant third. This is, perhaps, a key reason why I’ve only ever owned one iPhone.
In this regard though, it would appear that I’m not alone as following a report via ActivistPost, research is claiming that the sale of ‘dumbphones’ has been soaring over the last 4 years suggesting that more and more people are turning back towards simpler technology for their mobile communication needs!

Dumbphone Sales Soar as People Look for Simpler Smartphone Alternatives
The actual definition of a ‘dumbphone’ is a bit of a relative term that would clearly vary depending on who you asked. By most understandings, however, this generally encompasses a device that can make and receive calls, can handle text messages (with none of that predictive nonsense), and can maybe take a few simple snapshots and handle very basic email communication. Anything beyond that, however, is generally considered unnecessary.
Why are such ‘dumbphone’ devices making such a huge return though? Well, largely due to more modern smartphones having such a huge near dependence on complicated software and the ability to install apps that many people either don’t care about or would hugely prefer to handle on their PC or laptop. – The fact that the rebooted Nokia 3310 (pictured above) that was released in 2017 has been such a huge hit with consumers clearly indicates that many people still crave simpler technology. And although nostalgia value is certainly a factor here, it’s hard to deny that the opportunity to own a near bullet-proof phone that can last more than 72 hours without a charge is appealing. Well, that and the chance to play snake again. – More than this though, it also gives people the opportunity to really disconnect themselves from the online world.

Clear Your Mind! – Take a Break from the Interwebs!
By necessity, I own a smartphone. I need it if not for work, then at least the ability to handle generic tasks while away from my physical desk. With the amount of ‘pings’, ‘bings’, and ‘boops’ it makes towards me though, I generally tend to ignore it. I feel if someone wants me badly enough, they’ll call (something Andy here at eTeknix is more than, likely frustratingly, familiar with!).
With this in mind, therefore, if it was practical, and I had a job that wasn’t so technically involved, I’d probably own a ‘dumbphone’ myself. – It does come to something though when my mother owns an iPhone 12 and I own a relatively humble Samsung. With over a billion ‘dumbphone’ sales reported over the last 4 years though, make no bones about it, while iPhones and such remain popular, there’s still a huge market crying out for a return to simpler smartphone times!
What do you think? Do you tend to keep up with the latest smartphone trends? – Let us know in the comments!