European Investigation Called for Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Drift

It’s been well documented since the initial launch of the Nintendo Switch that while the controllers certainly represented something more than a little innovative, a pretty significant problem can lurk within. Namely, the dreaded Joy-Con drift issue. – With literally tens of thousands of complaints having being made about them throughout the world, it seems that one of the biggest European consumer regulatory bodies has finally decided to pay attention as it has issued a call for a full investigation to be made.
Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Drift
Following 25,000 individual joy-con drift complaints having been made to the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), that have said that a significant number of people (88%) reported that the issue began to occur within the first 2 years of the console’s purchase. Something that would clearly be indicative of a product not being fit for purpose.
Coming in a report via Eurogamer, the BUEC has said:
“Consumers assume the products they buy to last an appropriate amount of time according to justified expectations, not to have to pay for expensive replacements due to a technical defect. Nintendo must now come up with proper solutions for the thousands of consumers affected by this problem.”

What Do We Think?
It’s hard to deny that since reports of the issue began to emerge, Nintendo was exceptionally sluggish in responding to the complaints. Only following widespread consumer pressure (and a class action lawsuit) did they finally start to relent by offering Nintendo Switch customers free repairs/replacements. However, it seems that the BUEC clearly feels that further investigation into the issue is warranted and, specifically, to find whether Nintendo did indeed choose to ignore the problem until it came to a head.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!