Far Cry 5 Will Have Some Serious Anti-Tamper Protection
Far Cry 5 to use Denuvo.
We told you yesterday that pirates managed to crack Denuvo 4.8 after a few months of hard work. However, it will take some time still to create functional cracks for recent triple-A games. Despite the news, it appears that Ubisoft’s upcoming shooter, Far Cry 5, will actually use Denuvo as well. It’s not yet clear if this will be a new version of the anti-tamper tech, but that’s rather unlikely at this point. The company might choose to implement a similar protection system to that of Assassin’s Creed: Origins, meaning that VMProtect could ensure an additional layer of protection. Whatever the case, if a working crack for Origins surfaces anytime soon, Far Cry 5 could be compromised in record time.
The game’s EULA.
According to Far Cry 5’s EULA, the game will install the DRM software. In the end, the software could limit the product’s overall number of installations. Moreover, the DRM could potentially install other copy protection components on your PC. Since Assassin’s Creed: Origins is still tamper-free four months after release, Far Cry 5 could also remain uncracked for months. As long as Denuvo and VRProtect is still an efficient solution, there’s no reason for Ubisoft to drop it.
What do you think about Ubisoft’s anti-tamper solutions? Do you think that so many layers of protection could cripple the game’s performance?