Gearbox Confirms Borderlands 3 is Coming to Next-Gen Consoles
Mike Sanders / 4 years ago

Borderlands 3 has certainly been a pretty huge success on all current-gen gaming platforms and despite it now being exactly one year old, it doesn’t show any signs of its popularity waning. In terms of the next-gen console releases, however, Gearbox Software has just confirmed some excellent news.
Not only is Borderlands 3 heading to both the Xbox Series X and PS5, but if you already own it on the PS4 or Xbox One, that upgrade will be made available for free!
Borderlands 3
In confirming the news, Gearbox Software has said that the next-gen versions of Borderlands 3 will support 4K and 60FPS performance while also offering players a 3/4-player split-screen coop option. In other words, this upgrade is taking an already excellent game and making it even better for next-gen consoles. In addition, for those of you worried about losing your progress, Gearbox has also confirmed that save files will be transferable meaning you can seamlessly pick up your Borderlands 3 experience where you left it on your ‘old’ console!
Better still though, if that wasn’t already enough, they also confirmed that a brand new DLC package for the game is on the way and it will be released before the end of this year.

What Do We Think?
This move will undoubtedly provide Borderlands 3 with a fresh shot in the arm that’ll undoubtedly make it one of the most popular ‘early-doors’ titles seen for the new next-gen consoles. The biggest plus, however, is the fact that Gearbox is offering this upgrade for free! Albeit, from a cynical stand-out, with the DLC pack coming out, they’ll undoubtedly be hoping to make more than a few sales off that!
So, if you’re a huge fan of this game fret ye not! On both the PS5 and Xbox Series X you’ll be any to not only carry on, but get an even better visual experience out of it and, if you already own it on console, it’ll cost you absolutely nothing!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!