Gigabyte X99-UD4P (LGA 2011-3) Motherboard Review
CPU Performance
CINEBENCH is a real-world cross-platform test suite that evaluates your computer’s CPU performance. Cinebench R15 is a totally free utility and is available for download here.
Nothing spectacular here, even though at stock it is in the middle of the board, it’s less than 1% in it between it and the top stock motherboard score.
wPrime is a leading multithreaded benchmark for x86 processors that tests your processor performance by calculating square roots with a recursive call of Newton’s method for estimating functions. wPrime is a free utility that is available for download here.
Similar story again, knock for knock with the competition with the overclock dominating.
SiSoft Sandra
The SiSoft Sandra Dhrystone and Whetstone benchmarks are widely used measures of compute power and performance for a wide array of real world usage scenarios. You can find out more details on these tests here or download SiSoft Sandra here.
So little in it here for the stock CPU scores, it really shows that these boards have given enough breathing room for that processor to stretch its legs without hindering.