Google Agrees to Meet ‘YouTube Union’ but Will Not Negotiate

Did you know that there was an official YouTube Union? I certainly didn’t. Initially being founded late last year, the ‘Union’ was initially (and very informally) created on Facebook with around 20,000 member. It took a significant step forward, however, when it officially joined “IG Metall” one of the worlds largest trade union groups.
Since then, the group has threatened legal action against YouTube (specifically, its owner Google) as they feel the platform has a number of issues they have simply failed to address for their content creators.
After formally setting a deadline for Google to respond (which was yesterday) they have now said that they will ‘meet’ with the YouTube Union. It has, however, been made abundantly clear that while they’re happy to talk, any terms or changes to their policy are ‘not open to negotiation’.

YouTube Union To Meet With Google
Despite Google not seeming entirely willing to make any concessions at this meeting, a representative of IG Metall seems confident that the meeting will still be productive.
“The pressure we put on Google and YouTube together with the YouTubers Union has paid off. We succeeded in bringing Google to the table. We are looking forward to the talks and want a quick appointment. There we will see what changes YouTube is prepared to make.”

What Do We Think?
It seems rather depressing that things had to get to this stage for Google to actively hold talks with its members over ways it can improve the website. I mean, surely YouTube would be better if content creators and Google worked together? Am I being far too idealistic there?…
Either way, one can only hope that these talks will be productive. Who knows, they might even make the platform better in the future. We can but hope!
What do you think? Are you a member of the ‘YouTube Union’? – Let us know in the comments!