Icy Dock MB971SP-B 5.25″ Hot Swap SATA Caddy Review

/ 13 years ago

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It has only been a short time since we had a look at our last Icy Dock product, the MB994SP-4SB-1 Quad Bay SATA backplane, and like that, our next product that we’re looking at is a hot swap drive bay, but this time with a bit more functionality to what we have seen before.

We know Icy Dock products and even their packaging to be clear and straight to the point which, as I’ve probably mentioned before and will again anyway, is nothing to be afraid of. Not everyone out there wants something that is covered in flash packaging and more importantly a product inside that is more worried about its looks than how it functions and this is typically where Icy Dock shine through.

Similarly to the quad bay backplane that we looked at back in May, the MB971SP-B that we’re having a look at today fits into a 5.25″ drive bay and gives the user quick access for plugging in and removing SATA drives, but this time, not just 2.5″ drives. Now we see capability for connecting both 2.5″ and 3.5″ drive simultaneously.

Lets take a look at the product in some more detail and then see how it performs with our benchmark suite with a variety of drives.

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