Japan Reveals Human Support Robots For 2020 Olympics

Japan Reveals ‘Human Support’ Robots
If nothing else of an indication as to how time flies, the next Olympics, due to be held in Japan, is just under 18-months away. Now, as you might expect, being held in this country we can expect more than a few displays of their technology. Particularly with their robot design in which they are the world leaders.
In a report via The Verge, however, Japan has already given us a taste of what we can expect. Designed for use at the Olympics, ‘Human Support Worker’ robot designs have been revealed.
What Are They For?
The robots have been designed specifically with the intention of helping those with mobility issues. While hopefully providing good assistance to wheelchair users, they will also provide general information, directions and over support services.
Designed by Toyota, it is believed that around 16 of the robots will be used at the event. It is believed that half will be for support while the other half will be for ‘delivery’ purposes.
Toyota general manager Minoru

What Do We Think?
As above, it’s hardly any secret that Japan is pretty awesome when it comes to creating and designing robot technology. As such, while this is very impressive, we would still consider it a very small taste of what to expect from the event itself.
The opening ceremony is already reportedly looking to hold a coordinated drone display and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
With the Olympics due to start in July 2020, the opening ceremony is not to be missed.
What do you think? Are you impressed with the design? Are you looking forward to the Olympics? – Let us know in the comments!