Job Posting Suggests New York City Is Next For Google Fiber
Google have posted up a job this week that suggests Google Fiber will be heading to New York City. The job listing is for a Google Fiber Regional Sales Manager for New York, a job that “will manage multiple teams that evangelize Google Fiber services to MDU (multi-dwelling apartments and condos) and large SMB owners.” It doesn’t take a big stretch of the imagination to the pieces together from that alone.
With huge success already behind Google and their Fiber, there are many consumers and cities that would love for their services to be part of their infrastructure. It offers huge gains in connection speeds, great opportunities for small and large businesses and it’s even competitively priced again the competition, many of whom cannot compete in terms of network performance in most areas.
Time Warner is no doubt shaking in their boots, and Verizon have been slow to rollout their own networks. Google on the other hand doesn’t seem to scared of rapid expansion and heavy investment to get the job done, something that will help the company with the difficult task of rolling out new Fiber in somewhere as vast as NYC.
The rollout is slow, there aren’t many places in the US that get Google just yet, but the pace is picking up and who knows, in ten years time, maybe we’ll all be able to enjoy the network speeds they offer.
Thank you BGR for providing us with this information.