Locked Kaveri A10-7800 Launched, Features 512 GCN Cores and 65W TDP

/ 11 years ago


AMD has reportedly launched its locked Kaveri APU, the A10-7800, having it show similar specs as the A10-7850K. The only noticeable difference between the latter is that the A10-7800 has its cores locked, having its main advantage seen in the 65W TDP, 30W less than the A10-7850K and A10-7700K.

The A10-7800 is based on the Kaveri architecture, featuring the series’ full shader count as well as the Radeon R7 series architecture, having full 512 GCN 2.0 core count. In terms of CPU performance, the A10-7800 features Steamroller cores divided into two blocks, having support for both AMD’s Mantle API as well as DirectX 11.2 and support for DDR3-1866 MHz. The APU is shown to be clocked at 3.5 GHz, boasting it to 3.9 GHz during Turbo, in addition to the 720 MHz clock GPU-wise.


Comparing with the A10-7850K, the A10-7800 appears to feature a 200 MHz boost on base clock and 100 MHz boost during Turbo, while having its locked cores compensate with the 30W TDP difference. Even so, the chip is a valuable piece for casual gaming, having AMD’s Mantle support to give it a kick as well. Aside from the latter, the price is said to be more attractive, having it set somewhere between $140 and $150.

Thank you WCCFTech for providing us with this information
Images courtesy of WCCFTech

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