
Microsoft May Delay Windows 9 For Windows 8.2

Microsoft is currently working on two operating systems. Windows 8.1, a Windows 8 refresh, and Windows 9, the next operating system in the Windows series. However, this is only the simple roadmap for Windows because apparently Microsoft also has plans for a Windows 8.2 should Windows 8.1 fail to sell equally as much as Windows 8 did.

Microsoft is reportedly laying the foundations for a second revision of Windows 8, Windows 8.2 which will essentially be an improved version of Windows 8.1 (Blue). This changes the launch schedule of Windows 9 dramatically as Windows 8.1 is due to be released September 2013, Windows 8.2 will see a mid to late 2014 release and then Windows 9 will have to be pushed back to 2015 because Microsoft doesn’t launch two new operating systems in the same year. Microsoft has to give each OS at least 9 months to a year for the market to digest before it introduces the next one, hence why we will see Windows 8.1 in September – approximately 11 months after the launch of Windows 8.

This isn’t 100% confirmed yet and it is totally possible, depending on the success of Windows 8.1, that Microsoft won’t need to release a Windows 8.2. However, don’t be surprised if Microsoft does go on a Windows 8 frenzy in an effort to extract every last bit of revenue out of it.

I think maybe they should just cut their losses and move onto Windows 9. Giving Windows 9 a big refresh and radical overhaul will certainly put them in good standing. I know many people will be looking for a removal/significant changing of the UI as well as a reinstatement of the start button and menu. Microsoft will need to carefully balance the integration of their desktop and mobile versions as not to alienate either platform.

What are you thoughts on the potential for a Windows 8.2?


Ryan Martin

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