Microsofts New Tool Can Get Rid of Bloatware
Bloatware has become an increasing problem for consumers as they buy new technology on an ever-increasing basis. Bloatware is a title given to any software that comes pre-installed on a system but was not requested, or even advertised. Examples of this could be a Laptop’s custom music player or maintenance tools, many of which are just faces for the already installed and usable tools that are available. Microsoft is hoping to answer your cries for help and is looking at a new refresh tool to help give you a bloatware free device.
The new tool is currently in testing with Windows 10 Insiders and carries the title of “refresh”. While not built for removing bloatware, the tool fetches a new copy of Windows from online and installs it, effectively removing all of the unwanted software that often comes pre-installed with a new system. The only option given to the user is if you want to keep your personal data or not, the tool then goes forward and wipes all software from your system, giving you a clean operating system without any of the utilities or software that seem to appear just days after you buy your new system.
After recently upgrading my system, I noticed just how much software that came with my system when I first got it, many of which I didn’t want and have never used. Bloatware isn’t just a problem for PC’s though with many mobile phones now coming with custom software that often ends up doing nothing more than taking up valuable space on your phone.