MIT Created 3D Movies Without the Glasses
Gareth Andrews / 9 years ago
When it comes to movies and technology we are constantly looking at bigger and better ways to enjoy our films. From comfortable seats in the cinema to the latest high-definition screens, when it comes to cinemas there tend to be two stages, either big steps or quick trends. When it came to 3D it is often regarded as a quickly passing trend, with TVs and cinema alike advertising the feature. Now MIT is looking at getting rid of one of the biggest hassles for 3D cinema, the glasses.
Normally cinemas and TV’s require that you use little glasses, ranging from cheap £1 glasses you get in the cinema and forget the next time to the hundred of pounds models that look more akin to sunglasses than headsets. MIT have looked at creating glasses-less 3D technology that could soon see the cheap little headsets thrown away from cinemas all over the world.
The new system was created by MIT’s Computers Science and Artifical Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) and creates the full 3D effect for cinema goers without the need for a single pair of glasses. The prototype system is called “Cinema 3D” and uses a series of lenses and mirrors to create the same effect that the glasses had.
Unlike at homes, the system is possible due to the set locations and positions people can be in the room. While this isn’t a great invention for everyday users of the technology, if they can get it down in price, you could soon enjoy 3D movies at the cinema without the annoying plastic dangling in front of your face.