New Capcom Rising Humble Bundle Offers Zombie Bargains!
Mike Sanders / 8 years ago
Humble Bundle, the home of discount charity gaming has for several years now offered us some quality discount gaming. The current offer they have, however, is certainly one of the best I’ve seen. You can get your hands on some of Capcom’s best games in the Capcom Rising Humble Bundle and all for a low, low price!
So what is included in the Capcom Rising Humble Bundle?
As you may know, Humble Bundles work in tiers. The more you pay, the more you get. Here, therefore, are the bonus’ in the Capcom Rising bundle as per their tiers. I will also tell you, because I’m a nice guy, if I think the game is worth it.
By Paying 1 dollar or more, you qualify for:
- Strider – Never played it, but I hear it’s decent.
- Umbrella Corps – Hmmm… not so good.
- DmC: Devil May Cry – Pretty Awesome.
If you match the current average donation or pay more, in addition to the $1 tier, you get:
- Umbrella Corps: Deluxe Pack – Putting a shine on a turd.
- Dead Rising 2 Off The Record – Spin-off to 2. Not the best in the series, but alright.
- Resident Evil HD Remaster – Awesome remaster, almost justifies the tier all by itself.
- Resident Evil 0 HD – It’s ok.
- Resident Evil 6 – Divided opinion. Too much action, not enough survival horror.
All of the above, including:
- Dead Rising 2 – Good.
- Dead Rising 3 – Very good.
Is it worth it?
Short answer, yes, but largely just for one reason. The Resident Evil 1 HD remaster.
The remaster was brilliantly done and at the very least, I feel warrants the 2nd tier all by itself. For £5.50, it’s an absolute steal if you don’t already own it. In addition to this though, Dead Rising 3 and DmC are also pretty awesome.
You can find a link to the Capcom Rising Humble Bundle by clicking here.
Last year we saw the 2K gaming bundle. That was also pretty awesome. So hopefully this indicates the start of a Humble Bundle each summer that is simply too good to ignore. If I didn’t already own 4 of these, I’d be buying this myself.