New Diet Scanner Gadget Could Be Fitted To Smartphones
The advancement of technology and gadgets have paved the way for some unique and interesting innovations; this is no different and could revolutionize the way we interact with the real world. The gadget in question is a tiny molecular scanner that could be fitted onto a regular smartphone with the potential capability to “pinpoint properties such as the sugar content in an individual piece of fruit, the percentage of fat in a particular cheese, or identify whether a drug is a counterfeit or an illegal substance”.
This new device has been developed by consumer Physics, an Israeli start-up company that aims to offer a route to easily accessible knowledge for every consumer. The SCIO scanner works by utilizing the “near-infrared spectrum to analyse light reflected from objects and decipher their unique molecular fingerprints”. That fingerprint is then used to deliver a range of information concerning the properties of a particular object to the user via the user’s smartphone.
Below is a video which provides a further expansion on the potential features of this device. This device has been helped along by a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2014 as well as many demonstrations at tech events around the world; this helped to garner huge interest among consumers and experts alike.
This device certainly has potential and hopefully it will live up to expectation if indeed the possibilities are “endless”.