Next Five Nights At Freddy’s Game Teased
In recent years there has been a surge in the number of games that put the user in a defenceless situation, inspiring fear and dread as you are forced to do your best to survive against the pursuing evil that wants to hunt you down. Amongst the likes of Amnesia the Dark Decent and Slenderman came the Five Night At Freddy’s game, a series in which the next game has just been teased.
Five Nights at Freddy’s sees players forced to relive that childhood nightmare that every episode of Scooby Doo seemed to put forward in a funny light, what happens when you leave a child’s entertainment place and the lights go out? Freddy’s is a fun-loving musical restaurant for children during the day, but at night it gets a little scarier and as the new night guard, it’s up to you to survive.
The reveal came on the creators website, which shows the above image, hinting at more than just a new game. The hint names the series before saying about a “sister location” and then the tag line “there was never just one”. With the game coming out on PC before being ported to iOS, many know about the fear that robotic entertainers can cause you, so what does Freddy’s sister location have in store for you?