North Korea’s Internet Appears to Be Under Cyber Attack
North Korean internet has never been very stable, nor is it accessible to many of the citizens. It’s more a tool for North Korea to have access to the outside world and their connections, or so it is thought. They are currently suffering one of the worst outages in recent memory, suggesting that the country may be enduring a mass cyber attack. This comes just shortly after Obama’s response to the Sony hacking.
“I haven’t seen such a steady beat of routing instability and outages in KP before,” said Doug Madory, director of Internet analysis at the cybsecurity firm Dyn Research, according to Martyn Williams of the excellent blog North Korea Tech. Madory explained, “Usually there are isolated blips, not continuous connectivity problems. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are absorbing some sort of attack presently.”
There of course are other possible reasons for the outtake, and with a country like North Korea we can’t really expect a public statement, nor really trust any. Remember they sent a man to the sun and back during a night flight? One other possibility is that China simply has cut them off to prevent more conflicts to arise with them in the middle, as North Korea’s internet is routed through China. There’s also the possibility of routine maintenance, but lot of security companies that monitor the current events all point towards an cyber attack.
Where it originates from, is anyone’s best guess. It could be one of the lawless hacking groups or even a government entity somewhere.
Thanks to VOX for providing us with this information
Image courtesy of VOX