Oculus Already Working on Second Consumer Version
Since Oculus announced their consumer version of the Oculus Rift there has been much conversation on what is to come next in Oculus Rift’s lineup, so the question is Oculus rift already working on the second version of the Rift?
”Of course” says the Oculus’s founder, Palmer Luckey. ”There certain things you have to,” he paused, “there are components with long lead times, years even, or custom optimizations that aren’t going to fit into their roadmap for a few years. Those are the kind of things you have to start doing some work on if you want to ship a product on time.” What those things are specifically, Palmer wouldn’t elaborate, but there is plenty of room for speculation.
Oculus has been investing a large amount of its resources into computer vision technology, purchasing companies like Surreal Vision, The 13th Lab and Nimble. additionally Oculus’ newest running partner Microsoft is investing into the computer vision scene with its Hololens and has some of the most advanced projects in the field.
The idea of AR in a VR headset is quite far from new but is has never been truly perfected. Early concepts of the Rift have shown a forward-facing camera at the front of the face, a feature which seems to have been removed for the first customer edition.
An image (see above) from Will Steptoe’s “AR Rift” project that used two cameras at the front of the Rift to create mixed reality experiences. Will now works for Oculus…
One of the images leaked earlier this year showing an early concept image for the CV1 – note the camera
It seems very obvious that Oculus would like to evantually enable inside-out tracking within its own headset-meaning that it would no longer require and external sensor for positional tracking. this will eliminate any issues with occlusion as well as enabling positional tracking.
It’s good to see that Oculus are continuing to push the Rift even further even when the first consumer version isn’t available yet
Will you get the Oculus rift or wait till the second consumer version?
Thank you UPLOAD for providing us with this information