
PayPal users being overcharged for Mac OS X Lion

According to many disgruntled customers there are bugs in the PayPal and Apple systems that have been causing PayPal to overcharge customers by large amounts. For example take the case of John Christman, he purchased it for a mere $31.79 and was charged an additional 121 times bringing the overall total to $3,878.40. After contacting Apple and PayPal they both blamed each other for the error.

Many are blaming it on the payment system saying it is currently overloaded and other theories link the error with iTunes saying a particular feature of iTunes could be causing it, John Christman had this to say: “I logged into our developer account and got the latest iTunes Beta, and installed it. iTunes has a cool new feature to download all your purchased apps for you. I clicked download all, As each download started it charged me $31.79. Some apps came fast, some took longer, but the timing was directly related to when a new app started to download.”

In addition to being given too many copies there are issues with refunds too, many are struggling to get them as Apple is marking a lot of orders as refunded but PayPal is not receiving money from Apple to initiate the refund leaving the customers in a terribly awkward situation as PayPal and Apple squabble over who is to blame.

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Ryan Martin

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