
Pirates of Black Cove PC Review

Set in a time where pirates roamed the seas, looting and stealing from whoever they chose, Real-time Strategy/Action-adventure/Role-playing game; Pirates of Black Cove, is a PC exclusive that covers a variety of genres.

The Paradox Interactive title sets you the challenge of becoming ‘Pirate King’ and therefore conquering the Caribbean. To do this you must first join, work for and become the leaders of the three rival pirate factions: Pirates, Corsairs and Buccaneers. You must then unite the three factions in an all out struggle to defeat the evil Pirates of the Black Cove.

There is two main game play elements to Pirates, one being land based and the other being sea based. Other features such as ship customisation and unit management adds a RPG (role-playing game) aspect to the game, however the title is predominantly a Real-time strategy game as you control units in real-time and order them to dispose of your enemies as you wish. Unfortunately there is no multiplayer mode for Pirates (online or off), or any other mode for that matter, so the only way to play the game is through the single player campaign.

System Requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Core Duo or equivalent processor
  • Memory: 2GB RAM (256 MB of dedicated memory with support for pixel shader 3.0)
  • Hard disk space: 4 GB hard disk space
  • Video: GeForce 8600 or equivalent Video Card
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound Card
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0
  • Additional: 3-button mouse, keyboard and speakers

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Andy Ruffell

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