Researchers Working on Performance Enhancing Device for eSports
Competitive gaming aka eSports is big money-making industry so it only makes sense that many people want to get in on the action. Researchers from Perth, Australia however are working on a new device which they claim gives eSports players a competitive edge. The research group is developing an interface that supposedly stimulates the brain via shocks of electricity. It is a wearable headset, which is why gamers are the perfect target audience. They are already accustomed to wearing them according to the researchers.
Electric Shocks?! Isn’t it Dangerous for the eSports Player?
According to the researchers, the amount of electricity is less than the current on an electric toothbrush. The group also have worked in various medical fields so they have the biological background for the project. Dr. Tim Fiori, for example, is a neuroscientist whose research into spinal injury rehabilitation inspired the project. The group is also hoping to build upon earlier published results showing that direct electrical stimulation of the brain can double short term memory and predict mistakes before it happens.
The research group has yet to publish their findings as they are still in the middle of collecting data. While they are still in the testing phase, it has not stopped them from doing rapid prototypes of the headset via a 3D printer. This would shorten the time it takes to bring the device to market once they have the information they need.
If and when the device finally hits the market, the real question is: Is this even legal for eSports events? Macros and other aids are banned, so it only makes sense that a device like this would be as well. However, depending on how the research takes shape, it could pivot into a different market which also uses neural stimulation. i.e. the sex industry.