
Rumour: Microsoft Axing Surface Brand, Will Be Replaced By Lumia

Some very interesting information about Microsoft’s Surface brand emerged recently via the infamous leakers EVLeaks. Their leaks suggest that Microsoft is finalising the licensing of the Nokia brand in preparation for ditching their own branding. On the smartphone side Microsoft will sell Windows Phone handsets with the branding “Nokia by Microsoft”, with regards to tablets is where it gets interesting. Microsoft is rumoured to be ditching the Surface branding in favour of using Nokia’s Lumia branding. This certainly seems like a very bold move by Microsoft especially if you consider the millions they have already poured into the Surface brand.

I suspect that EVLeaks are a little off the mark: there is just no way on earth Microsoft would ditch Surface now, it would be too costly to do so and the Surface brand is just starting to gain traction and recognition among consumers. I believe that Microsoft may be considering the Lumia branding for its Windows RT tablets and the Surface brand will end up being reserved exclusively for full Windows tablets. Only time will tell if these rumours materialise into anything but EVLeaks have a good track record with getting things right so stay tuned for more details.

Source: EVLeaks

Image courtesy of Microsoft

Ryan Martin

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