Rust EU Servers Suffer Data Loss After Fire!

I have to admit to having thrown more than a few (hundred) hours into Rust in terms of my guilty gaming pleasures. Why is it guilty? I hear you ask. Well, firstly, I’ll admit that I’m not very good at it. In fact, I often fail to graduate beyond anything more interesting than a stone-walled hut. Secondly, though, I think most would agree that in the world of online gaming, Rust has a pretty well-deserved reputation for having one of the most toxic communities around (perhaps that’s why I enjoy it so much!).
For likely hundreds if not thousands of people who regularly play on the official EU servers, however, the chances are that if you log in today, you’re not going to find you’ve been raided with a code lock now placed on your tool cupboard. You’ll instead possibly find that the server is actually dead. And this is in a very literal sense too!
Rust EU Servers Lost After Major Fire
Following various posts made on their Twitter channel, developer Facepunch has confirmed that a significant fire has occurred at one of their data centres resulting in around 25 servers having been literally scorched to death. As such, the chances are pretty high that if you like to populate the official EU options available, your progress has not just been wiped, but it’s been completely obliterated.
Oh, and if you were hoping that they might reappear with a backup, no, I’m afraid it would appear that this data has also been completely lost!
— Rust (@playrust) March 10, 2021
25 of our EU servers remain offline due to a fire at OVH Datacenter in the early hours of this morning. Unfortunately, the fire destroyed SBG-2 building. We’re expecting a large amount of data loss across the affected servers.
We’ll share more news when we can.
What Happens Now?
Well, for those of you were did play on those servers, you’ve basically lost all your content, and you’re not getting it back either. So, if you spend 6 hours yesterday grinding metal ore to fill up your cupboard with fragments, you have my sympathies. For the moment though, it would appear that Facepunch is looking to source some (at least temporary) alternative server action. For the time being, however, you’re probably best advised to start from scratch on a new island!
What do you think? Do you play Rust? – Let us know in the comments!