
Samsung Galaxy S7 Battery Could Last Two Days on a Single Charge

Since the introduction of Apple’s first generation iPhone, mobile handsets have become more than a basic communication tool and many users rely on a huge selection of applications. While this provides incredible functionality on-the-move, the use of WiFi, mobile data and multiple applications at once puts a huge strain on battery life. Usually, it’s quite common for mobile devices to require daily charging especially if you’re a heavy user. This really is a major flaw of modern handsets, and reduces the convenience factor of having a music player, camera, and mini-PC in one portable device. Furthermore, there’s been a recent trend to prevent users to replacing the internal battery. This really does have a significant impact because over time the battery’s charging capacity decreases, and owning two batteries can help in an emergency.

According to Tweaktown, this could be an outdated concept on higher-end phones in the near future. A Russian blogger, Elder Murtazin claims he’s been using the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S7 and the battery reportedly lasted 17 hours on a single charge. Not only that, this was achieved with the screen brightness at 100% while playing video content. Murtazin also tested the handset with 75% brightness with LTE enabled and this resulted in a charge of over two days! These numbers are extremely impressive but it’s important to adopt a cautious approach. The source might be genuine, but it’s only from one user, meaning there’s no substantial evidence at this time. However, battery technology is destined to improve and a more power-efficient manufacturing process on the CPU should help matters.

Hopefully, modern handsets will be able to provide superb functionality without impacting on essential longevity. Manufacturers need to move away from the absurd notion of soldering the battery onto the PCB and giving consumers the option to make their purchase last longer.

Image courtesy of PCAdvisor

John Williamson

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