Snowden Releases List Of Countries Contacted For Political Asylum Requests
Ryan Martin / 12 years ago
While it is now relatively common knowledge that the famous internet surveillance NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is stuck in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport, it hasn’t been well documented where he was seeking political asylum up until now. We’ve known he has been in talks with Ecuador, but with that starting to unfold who else has he been trying to seek political asylum with? Well surprisingly his options aren’t as limited as you might think. According to an official statement made by the whistleblower organisation WikiLeaks Edward Snowden has applied for political asylum in the following nation-states:
- Austria
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- China
- Cuba
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- India
- Italy
- Ireland
- The Netherlands
- Nicaragua
- Norway
- Poland
- Russia (where he is situated now)
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Venezuela
Surprisingly, Ecuador is now off the list after President Correa seems to be bowing to American pressure. He has gone from pledging his support to Snowden at all costs to saying that he now offered Snowden help “by mistake”. It is also worth noting that Russia have also refused to offer Edward Snowden political asylum unless he stops releasing documents that are harming the USA.
Edward Snowden is currently seeking asylum on the grounds of persecution risk if he is forced to return back to the USA.
We will be sure to keep you updated with how this goes for Edward Snowden. He is easily becoming one of the most important figures of our generation.
Image courtesy of the Guardian