Thermaltake Toughpower GF1 850w Power Supply Review
Thermaltake’s ‘Toughpower’ branding has a very distinctive black and silver design. One that we know very well. In that regard, the release of the GF1 is certainly no exception.
The front of the packaging tells you everything you could want to know at a glance. You get a nice clear image of the power supply, all of its key features as well as a nod to the fact that this carries a gold-rated efficiency rating. Oh and a colossally huge 10-year guarantee! One that Thermaltake describes as merely ‘ample’.

The rear of the packaging really gets into the meat of the specifications. It provides you with everything you could possibly want to know. Efficiency charts, fan speeds, cabling as well as the manner in which the power is outputted.
In terms of packaging, Thermaltake has gotten this absolutely spot on. It tells you everything you would want to know in a nice, clean, clear, and concise manner!

As this is a power supply, there clearly isn’t that much you need in terms of accessories. What Thermaltake has provided, however, should give you confidence in a quality product while helping you to get this installed.
Firstly, the power supply itself comes in a canvas covering. Presumably to help prevent any scratches in transit (as unlikely as that may be). In addition, you are also provided with a canvas bag that contains all of your power cables as well as a regional power connector (for you to plug into the wall).

Other than this, there isn’t much else. Again, it’s hardly as if you needed (or wanted) a bag of parts. You are given a product manual, warranty information, zip ties (for cable management) and 4 screws to help you fix this to your chassis!