Video Game TV Advert Spending Sees Huge Upspike!
Mike Sanders / 5 years ago

With us all being told to stay at home as much as possible, the chances are that many of you are using this enforced free-time to catch up on your gaming or TV. You may, however, have perhaps noticed that you’ve been seeing a lot more gaming commercials than usual. Well, apparently, this isn’t by accident.
In a report via TechSpot, spending on game advertisements has reportedly soared during the COVID-19 crisis!
Video Game Commercials!
In the report, it has been found that Nintendo particularly is pumping lots of extra cash into advertising. While it is likely no coincidence that this has coincided with the launch of the new Animal Crossing game, it seems pretty clear that they want to try and ingratiate their way into your entertainment needs.
Just how much extra has been spent though? Well, again, taking Nintendo as an example, it has been reported that the company spent $1m on TV video game advertisements just in March and, compared to February, the company has spent an extra $3m overall! This might sound fantastic if it wasn’t for the fact that Nintendo recently confirmed that their Switch stock had sold out!

Not Just Nintendo
The research has also found that Bethesda has been pumping in much larger than expected figures into their advertising. Again though, the launch of Doom Eternal probably played a role in that. If you did, however, think that you’d seen the Animal Crossing trailer on the TV rather a lot, you’re not alone and it’s not coincidental.
While we’re all stuck at home, with economies looking more than a little dodgy, Nintendo still wants your money!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!
(Now here’s that ad again, just in case you haven’t seen it enough already)