Warzone 2 is Bringing Back 1 v 1 Gulags – Devs Do Listen to Us Sometimes!
Mike Sanders / 2 years ago

I daresay that more than a few of you reading this have likely played Warzone 2 (or 2.0 if you prefer). It is, after all, free to play and pretty good fun too! – Despite receiving typically positive praise from both fans and critics though, this is clearly not to say that the game doesn’t have its problems and one of the more contentious subjects ever since the release of Warzone 2 has been the new Gulag format.
For those of you unaware, the Gulag offers you an opportunity to return to the game presuming you can win a relatively close-quarters gunfight. In the original Warzone though, this was a very simple 1 v 1 whereas Warzone 2 changed this to a 2 v 2.
The problem? Well, it does kind of take an element of balance out of your hands. If your teammate is AFK, for example, this leaves you in a 2 v 1 situation with very little hope of success unless you can pull some of your best gameplay out of the bag. Equally, if your teamie is new to the game, it does require you to pull their weight too if you want to secure your reentry into Warzone. – This does, incidentally, also work the other way around, but good luck getting a Call of Duty player to admit they’re bad at the game!
Yeah, put simply, 2 v 2 Gulags aren’t great. – Following a report via Eurogamer, however, it seems that the developers have been listening to our feedback as the release of its Season 2 update will see the reintroduction of 1 v 1 battles in Warzone’s Gulag!

Warzone 2 to Bring Back 1 V 1 Gulag Fights!
The news of the return of the 1 V 1 Gulag has been widely received with praise from the Warzone community. It’s not that they didn’t appreciate the developers trying to mix things up, but the whole situation with the 2 V 2 design simply didn’t work. Well, more accurately, didn’t work well.
So, yeah, the good news is that following the release of the Season 2 update (due out in just a couple of weeks), you’ll finally be able to have your straightforward 1 v 1 encounter in the Gulag and if you die/lose then you only have yourself to blame.
Well, ok, and maybe that guy throwing rocks at you from the upper balcony! – You know who you are!
What do you think though? – Let us know in the comments!